Alternative Tool to Matlab... Octave in Image Processing

Octave is a free open source program offers services relatively similar to Matlab.
In order to be able to use Octave in Image processing application, you will need to install image package, which can be done easily by typing the following commands in the command window:
Pkg list
pkg install -forge general control signal image
·         Each time you want to use image library, you have to load the image package, by typing the following command:
Pkg load image            % only in Octave, in Matlab it is already automatic added

  • Some important commands:
Command function
Command syntax
Clear command window
Load image
Show an image
To get the size of a matrix
> disp(size(im))
To plot some matrices
>> plot(imgreen(210,:))
To display the data type of the matrix
To substract 2 images without losing pixels values which will be rounded to 0 because they are negative
To generate a Gausian noise with Standard Deviation between 1 and -1,
And you can specify the number of samples

To generate a Gausian noise to apply it on an image, we can generate a noise matrix with the same size of our image
If we multiply this noise matrix with a scalar then the standard deviation will be changed
Number= randn() // will generate a random number between -1 and 1
>> rand_n=randn()
rand_n =  0.083304
>> rand_Vec=randn([1 10]) //will generate a vector of 10 elements between 1 and -1
rand_Vec =

   0.242985  -0.150862  -0.856364  -1.788098   0.102084   1.030511   0.267734  -0.102228   0.603328  -0.020853
Noise=randn([1 100]) //generate a vector from 1 to 100

To show how samples are distributed between values, we can use hist where first input is the matrix and second input is the x-axis
Hist returns 2 values:
N: number of elements in each sample point
X: the sample points (x-axis)
Then using plot(x,n), we can see how the Gausian distribution is distributed
Noise=randn([1 100]);
Hist(noise,[-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3]);
>>  [n,x]=hist(noise,[-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3])
n =

    1   11   23   36   23    5    1

x =

  -3  -2  -1   0   1   2   3
To generate number of samples between 2 values, use linspace:
Linspace(-3,3,100) // collect samples between -3 and 3 with 100 sample
>> noise=randn([1 1000]);
>> [x,n]=hist(noise,linspace(-3,3,21));
>> plot(n,x)

Create a Gaussian filter
h=fspecial('gaussian', kernel_size,sigma);
Apply the filter on the image



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