
Showing posts from October, 2018

Camera Intrinsic Parameter

The idiom calibrating intrinsic camera parameters means finding the transformation from camera 3D coordinate system to image 2D coordinate system (using projection matrix). Where: §   Camera Frame: is the coordinate system which takes camera center as its origin and the optic axis as (Z), and is in mm. §   Image Frame: is the coordinate system which measures the pixel location in the image plane (only x and y) and its origin is the above left corner of the chip. o    Camera intrinsic Parameters characterize the optical, geometry and digital characteristics of a camera. o    The degree of freedom of Intrinsic parameter in the real situation (not ideal situation) is 5 : §   S x , S y (sometimes called: ) are the pixel scale factors (pixel à mm) in x and y direction (can be expressed by focal length and aspect ratio) Aspect ratio: is the ratio of pixel size difference between x and y (width ...

Alternative Tool to Matlab... Octave in Image Processing

Octave is a free open source program offers services relatively similar to Matlab. In order to be able to use Octave in Image processing application, you will need to install  image package, which can be done easily by typing the following commands in the command window: Pkg list pkg install -forge general control signal image ·          Each time you want to use image library, you have to load the image package, by typing the following command: Pkg load image             % only in Octave, in Matlab it is already automatic added Some important commands: Command function Command syntax Clear command window clc Load image imread('H:\Octave-4.4.0\samples\myImage.png') Show an image imshow(im) To get the size of a matrix size(im) > disp(...